Admission to Universal School is open to all students in Pre-K to 10th grade. Admission into 11th and 12th grade is done on selective bases. The school does not discriminate in enrollment on the basis of race, age, sex, religion, handicap, or national origin. Universal School reserves the right to decline admission to students for the following reasons, which are not considered inclusive of all reasons justifying denial of admission: If a student requires special education instruction beyond the purview of the school’s capability or capacity; if a student requires English as a Second Language (ESL) beyond the purview of the school’s capability or capacity; if a student is academically weak or has had serious discipline problems at a previous school.
Admissions applications open after Experience It in March. Completed application files are reviewed and enrollment decisions are made at the end of April. Enrollment opens during the month of May and continues until all available spots are filled in a given grade. Priority in enrollment is as follows:
- Students already enrolled at Universal
- Staff children
- Siblings of students already enrolled at Universal
- Alumni children
- New families
In order for a new student to be considered for admission to Universal School the following must be Emailed to
- Copies of student’s academic record for the past two years.
- Copies of student’s standardized exams for the past two years.
- Copy of the student’s Individual Education Plan (I.E.P.), if applicable.
- Copies of discipline record for the past 2 years.
- Only a picture of birth certification is needed for PK-Kg application .
- your child may be scheduled for placement exam later in the summer if the file is not efficient for a decision .
- if your application is approved , you will receive an email with the link to complete a registration packet .
The admission committee will start reviewing a file only when all of the above items are completed. A student will be allowed to attend classes only after they are fully registered in the school. The school reserves the right to deny or revoke admission to students if records show that false or misleading information has been provided on the application forms, or during the interview.
In order for a new student to be considered fully registered at Universal the following steps must be completed:
- Complete and sign all the required registration forms. This includes a signed form that acknowledges that the parents and students have read and will abide by the policies included in the parent-student handbook
- Pay the registration and book fees as well as the first tuition installment
- A certified copy of the student’s birth certificate. If a birth certificate is not presented, the Superintendent or designee shall notify in writing the person enrolling the student that within 30 days he or she must provide a certified copy of the student’s birth certificate. A student will be enrolled without a birth certificate. When a certified copy of the birth certificate is presented, the school shall promptly make a copy for its records, place the copy in the student’s temporary record, and return the original to the person enrolling the child. If a person enrolling a student fails to provide a certified copy of the student’s birth certificate, the Superintendent or designee shall immediately notify the local law enforcement agency, and shall also notify the person enrolling the student in writing that, unless he or she complies within 10 days, the case will be referred to the local law enforcement authority for investigation. If compliance is not obtained within that 10-day period, the Superintendent or designee shall so refer the case. The Superintendent or designee shall immediately report to the local law enforcement authority any material received pursuant to this paragraph that appears inaccurate or suspicious in form or content.
- Proof of disease immunization or detection and the required physical examination, as required by State law 7:100, Health, Eye, and Dental Examinations; Immunizations; and Exclusion of Students. LEGAL REF.: Ill.Admin.Code Part 1290, Missing Person Birth Records and School Registration. 23 Ill.Admin.Code Part 375, Student Records.
Any student who does not present proof of having had either the required immunizations or physical examination by October 15th of the school term for which such was required or within thirty (30) days of enrollment should enrollment occur after the start of the said school term, may be excluded from school until such time as proof of the required health information is presented.
- Sign all promissory forms for tuition and assessment
Returning Students: must fill out and sign an intent of enrollment form by May 1st. Failure to do so may result in loss of enrollment privileges for the family for the following school year. The signing of the intent of enrollment does not constitute full registration. Parents must fully register a returning student by the deadline set by the school.
In order for a returning student to be fully registered, the following must be completed:
- Complete, sign and return the short registration form
- Parents must have no outstanding balance with the school
- Pay registration, and book fees
- Update health record
- Sign all promissory forms for tuition and assessment
Students who withdraw prior to the beginning of the school year after being fully registered will lose their registration fees. Students who withdraw after school begins will lose registration fees, book fees, and will also be responsible for tuition until the end of the month in which the withdrawal occur.