Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
Getting your child to and from school safety is our number one priority.
Students who are independent and confident, inquisitive and enthusiastic,
responsible and compassionate.
Students who are independent and confident, inquisitive and enthusiastic,
responsible and compassionate.
Universal School is committed to providing a safe and enjoyable learning environment. The information contained in this brochure highlights policies and procedures that will allow us to provide maximum safety for students as they arrive to and leave from school daily.
Major changes are reflected in procedures for student arrival and dismissal. Of most significance is the change indicating that Elementary students will enter the building at the North doors near KG, there is no early dismissal permitted between 2:45 – 3:30pm, and the change in after school dismissal procedures.

Students may enter the building at 8:10am. Parents who arrive earlier than this time are asked to keep students with them until 8:10am. Drop off will take place at the North doors near Kg. Please make sure that you have come to a complete stop before your child opens their door. Students should only exit the car on the passenger side only.
Students should be in their classrooms and ready by 8:20am, so it is important that they arrive on time. If students are late to school (8:35) they should enter from the front office doors. If you have a scheduled meeting with a teacher, please park and sign in after 8:35 am in the main office.
Teachers are unable to meet during morning arrival. If you need to inform your child’s teacher of an urgent matter, please send a message via Engrade or the front office.
In order to alleviate morning traffic and ensure a quick drop off, student and teacher aides will assist. Student aides will assist children getting out of cars and will escort them to the door.
Second through fourth grade students will walk directly to class |
Fifth through seventh grade students will report to the cafeteria |
PK-1st grade teacher aides will meet students at the door and escort them to class. |
If you need to enter the building during morning arrival, please park and sign in at the front office. The north doors (near Kg) will be open only for students during that time.
In order to maximize instructional time and maintain an orderly school environment and safe dismissal, no student may be checked out of the office between 2:45 and 3:30pm unless it is an emergency.
Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.
Students will begin exiting the building at about 3:25pm. Due to construction, they will line up on the front sidewalk as indicated in the diagram to the left. Please be sure that your child’s teacher is aware that he/she has been picked up before leaving with him/her.
During inclement weather (below 32⁰F, or raining), students will be dismissed from the classrooms, and both entrances will be accessible.
Again, we ask that teacher not meet with parents during this time, as it is a safety concern. If you need to enter the building during this time for a scheduled appointment after
3:45pm,please sign in as a visitor in the front office. Due to dismissal responsibilities, teachers will not be available to meet with parents until after 3:45pm. Please request a conference time via Engrade or leave a message with the office. The teacher will respond within 24 hrs that the conference is confirmed.
Thank you in advance for implementing these procedures and helping us do all we can to ensure a safe environment.
Carpool Board
A bulletin board will be set aside outside the front office for parents to post their information for carpools. The school is not able to be involved in arranging carpools or sharing information, but we are happy to provide a space for you as parents to share information with each other.