Student Support

Support Services

Universal School provides information and assistance through various programs and district services to assist students and their families. Our faculty uses a collaborative approach in order to fulfill our mission—To provide a safe, nurturing, and stimulating Islamic learning environment that enables students to achieve their maximum potential.

Our Support Services include

  • Learning Interventions during and after school (RtI)
  • School Counselor
  • Consultations with District Special Education Teacher

Limited Walk-in services can be arranged through NPD117 for the following services:

  • Occupational Therapy
  • Physical Therapy
  • Speech and Language Therapy

Response to Intervention

Faculty and NHS students work with students during the school day and after school to provide additional instruction and practice for reading and math skills. Scientific-based interventions are utilized by the teaching staff during small group interventions and practiced twice a week after school for 30 minutes with NHS tutors. This program provides struggling students with the extra instruction and practice they need to close the learning gap between them and their peers.

Special Services and Referrals:

North Palos School District 117 provides special education consultation and limited services to students who are identified as having a recognized disability under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA-2004) or handicapped under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. Students who may be eligible and in need of special services may be identified through the District screening process or by referral. As a parent, should you have reason to believe that your child may be entitled to special education services, you may request an evaluation. To request an evaluation, please address a letter to our assistant principal, Mrs. Aminah Murrar, including the following information: name, age, and grade of your child, the reason you are requesting an evaluation, and your complete name and address. Any questions that you may have regarding the referral process or the special education services provided by the district compared to the limited services available at a private school may be directed to the assistant principal as well (