B.S. (UIC)
Mrs. Banan Said
Mrs. Banan Said joined Universal School in 2011. She completed a Bachelor’s of Science and a Master’s in Education in Youth Development from the University of Illinois at Chicago. She completed her second Master’s in Counseling Psychology and holds and LCPC in the State of Illinois for Clinical Professional Counseling. Miss Banan, as students refer to her, currently provides counseling support and services to Universal School’s K-12 student body. Students experiencing social, emotional, behavioral, or spiritual challenges interfering with their schoolwork or impacting peer and family relationships are referred to her office. Confidential referrals can come from students, teachers, parents, administrators, friends, or any person concerned about a student’s wellbeing. The goal of school counseling is to support and advocate for ALL students to achieve academic success enabling them to develop into independent young Muslim Americans. Parents and students are welcome and encouraged to connect with her face-to-face in Room# 205, remind @msbanan123, e-mail at bsaid@universalschool.org, phone at (708) 599-4100 Ext. 320, or Google Classroom with code ‘mxhmdtn’.